Saturday, January 08, 2011

what even

I didn't want to get out of the bed this morning.
Last night's words were ringing in my head.

But I did and met Nix.
A day with her is always, always lovely.

Getting there was the worst part. We had no idea where it was and we've never been there before and we even walked through a road of monkeys.

It took us more than an hour, dammit!
We were sweating and complaining all through out the journey.
But it was fine since we had a lot to talk about anyway.

I love this one (above) the most hehehe.

Awkward model photo.

We were so excited when we got there, i did punches in the air.
The place was beautifulllllllll~~~~


This photo says so much about our endless love for each other.

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labels: fiction, outfits, significant other