Saturday, January 01, 2011

you guise

Summarizing 2010:

Became friends with the loveliest people on Earth. Even though they like to bully me, I know they will always be there for me.

Struggled academically and financially, got closer to my schoolmates and classmates,

Met someone who made me stronger by giving me 200 haters in a week, passed my N levels, have a married sister,

Was inspiring to a number of people, held a memorable birthday party,

became friends with a group of lovely people who all live like, literally, across Singapore,

which led to meeting this young man with decent manners and smells nice all the time (even though he's scary when he's annoyed)

So in conclusion, 2010 was wonderful, so wonderful. I had some rough times but they all seem so minor now. I'm still alive, breathing and healthy and that's all that matters, right?

Now that i look at it, 2010 was awesome mainly because of the people around me. So, thank you guys, for making my year a really blissed one.

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