Tuesday, February 22, 2011

more friends needed

Raudhah is recruiting people who'd like to spend weekends and lonely weekday nights with her and distract her from sadness and anything else horrible.

To be employed, you ought to have the following points:
  1. Happiness
  2. Joyfulness
  3. Optimisticism
It is also preferred if you....
  1. Live in the East
  2. Aren't beyond beautiful so I won't feel the need to envy you
  3. Love books

But if you don't own any of these following points and you're just sad and lonely and need a friend, you can always ring me up. I'll still accept you and we'll have a mini crew of sadness.

Please reply on my Formspring if interested.

No? okay.

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Singaporean, lover of words.
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alternatively, you can email me at raudhah.hanafiah@gmail.com

labels: fiction, outfits, significant other