Sunday, February 13, 2011


Since many of you have been asking how I edit my photos, I've come up with a tutorial as much as I hate having to share my secrets.
But I'm pretty nice, so..

You need: Adobe Photoshop (Doesn't matter what CS. But I use CS4), Textures (livejournal has excellent textures), Actions (optional) (here).

Got all of that?

1. Start with any photo. Here's one from the chalet. Photo by Azimah.

2. Open up any one of the textures you've chosen and paste it over the image. Ensure you've clicked 'Show Transform Controls' at the top left corner and make the texture as big as the original image.

3. Reduce the 'Fill' of the texture. You can reduce the 'Opacity' too if you like.

4. Click on the Background layer again and play around with the Actions you've downloaded.

And then you've gotten yourself a pretty awesome photo with interesting colors.

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Singaporean, lover of words. / tumblr / twitter

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