Sunday, February 20, 2011

we're running away from yesterday

Camwhoring on a Sunday morning like yeah.
I really do think I look awfully sad and worn out in the photos.

Anyway, I had Flag Day yesterday morning and all I did was stand in the middle of the busyness and smile. I think.

After tuition, I met Nix. Of course I did. It's becoming a routine for me to meet her every Saturday with different people every week. It's weird how Bo has suddenly disappeared from the surface of this Earth.
I mean, I'm running about meeting people I've made friends with because of him but the boy himself is gone.

Over Subway's footlong sandwich, Nix and I talked and sang to Taylor Swift.
She's so lucky to have a lovely man like Man. (lol see whut i did dere) And Man is lucky to have a lovely girl like Nix.

They're adorable and I wish she wouldn't be so insecure.

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