Sunday, January 30, 2011

keep calm

I think Rau and Rica are the two most loveliest people I've met and made friends with

So I don't know why people are constantly hurting them. I'm pretty sure it's not their fault, and I am certain they don't deserve this. All this. Pain.

I went out with Rau yesterday. We didn't study. Of course not. We haven't met in weeks, there was so much to talk about. And I have to say, it was one of the most productive conversations I've had all year with her. Ranting and rambling about people who just.. exist to ruin people's life.

I cannot stress how much I hate her and keep questioning why Bobo left Rau.

It just became like a rhetorical question. It shouldn't be. There is so much more to talk about.

We almost did burst into tears now and again. Shrieking and practically screaming at each other in misery. Even at the bookstore. I love that girl. She deserves so much more

I hope she will find peace and happiness soon. I know the feeling of wanting someone back, even it means it's not going to be the same. Just take a shot, won't you. They know you're willing to do anything for them. She has accepted all of it. Flaws and all. Why is there a need to leave her when all she did was love you

This then brings me to the brink of doubtfullness and more

I love you, Rau. I hope Anna realises how much you miss her and love her too so you won't be so alone when I can't be there for you

i love you too.
i almost teared up.

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