Wednesday, February 02, 2011

keep clear

I bought this book last weekend with Nix. Have been wanting to read his books since forever! A few of my schoolmates got excited when they saw me holding it.

Hatsumi had a pretty good idea that Nagasawa was sleeping around, but she never complained to him. She was seriously in love, but she never made demands.
"I don't deserve a girl like Hatsumi," Nagasawa once said to me. I had to agree with him.

Kept re-reading those lines.

N level Art coursework.

Pandie :3

My Math teacher gave us fortune cookies like she did last year. I'd like to think that this saying is relevant to my life right now.

And every time I open my diary, I'll read the one and only letter he gave me in November.

So I'll be away for a bit. I'll be at a family chalet for a few days.

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